The responsibilities relating to the CE marking are, according to the law, the responsibility of the producer, who must provide the relevant technical documentation if necessary. This documentation certifies the compliance of the products with the European regulations, and can be requested in case of verification by the authority.

It is therefore essential that all the machines present at your laboratory or retail outlet comply with these regulations, otherwise you will be fined!

We provide, with our machinery, printed confirmation of correspondence and / or a copy of these certifications, which are normally sufficient to remove any doubt from the verifier.

The certification documents are delivered together with the printing machinery, or together with the instructions. If necessary, we can send a copy of the certificates via email.

Further explanations on the CE marking on the following institutional site:


Below we list the specific directives our machines respond to.



The European legislation provides for the compliance of certain machines put on the market, including some of those proposed by us, to the so-called MD Directive 2006/42 / EC (which replaces 98/37 / EC), for the purposes of safety in the use of such machinery by the user. In particular, the correspondence relates to the EN 61000-6-3: 2007 + A1: 2011 standards; EN 61000-3-2: 2014; EN 61000-3-3: 2013

Further information on the following institutional website:




In addition to this, European legislation provides for these machines to comply with certain characteristics of electromagnetic dispersions, so that the use of such machines cannot cause damage. In this case, correspondence takes place against the so-called EMC Directive 2004/108 / EC, relating to the standards EN 60335-2-45: 2002 + A1: 2008 + A2: 2012 and EN 60335-1-2012

Further information on the following institutional website:




It is foreseen that the same machines, except for some exceptions which will be explained in the next line, are equipped with earthing to avoid accidental electric shocks in case of malfunction, or with "Class 1" insulation. In this case, the CEI reference standard is EN 60335-1

In cases where this earthing is not present, this means that the machine is equipped with "Class 2" insulation.

Information to the public at the following address:
